Mert Ramazon Demir, whose romantic relationship with Afra Sarachoğlu has been revealed, is 27 years old

Despite being young, actor Mert Ramazon Demir has achieved fame not only in his homeland Turkey but also in other countries. He celebrated his 27th birthday on January 28 of this year. Below, we present interesting information about the Turkish star, who has millions of viewers and fans through his character Ferit Korhan in “Fortress Secrets.”

Photo: Dzen
1. Large Family
Mert Ramazon Demir was born into a family of entrepreneurs; his father was a craftsman and merchant in the Şile district of Turkey. The future actor's mother was a housewife who took care of the children. Mert Ramazon is the youngest of five boys. Additionally, the only girl in the family, his sister Zeyner, was born after him. Mert's childhood was spent in a small village in the Şile district.
Demir's parents went through difficult times, and the family always struggled with financial issues, but the warm and trusting relationships among family members helped them overcome all obstacles.

Photo: Haberler
Mert spent his school years 50 kilometers away from Istanbul and often struggled to find money for rent during his student years, which is why all of his achievements are the result of his hard work.
2. Passion for Sports and Turkish Delight

Photo: Instagram
Mert had a passion for football and basketball during his school years and dreamed of becoming a professional athlete. His physically strong appearance helped during the filming of the historical series “Magnificent Century: Kösem.” There, the actors prepared seriously for a week of shooting: they lived in a training camp and learned skills such as horseback riding and fencing.

Photo: Haberler
During this time, Mert Ramazon did not abandon sports and even began to engage in boxing, swimming, and table tennis additionally.
Moreover, Mert Ramazon loves sweets very much and cannot imagine his life without Turkey's rahat lokum. The actor himself admitted this in one of his interviews.
3. The Emergence of Love for Cinema

Photo: Dzen
The play by English playwright William Shakespeare amazed 17-year-old Mert so much that he began to take an interest in acting. According to him, it was the character of Hamlet that was the first role he tried:
“I was 17 then — I was living with my brother, who was studying at a college in Denizli. I was preparing for the play “Hamlet.” When I remember that moment, it feels amazing. I became very interested in theater: it was my first role in life,” he says.
From that moment on, the young athlete became interested in creativity, later studying acting at the Dialog Lecture Communication school. He then applied to Michel Danner's studio in Istanbul. During these years, the future actor began to participate in various castings.
4. The “Master” Series and Bullying

Scene from the “Master” film
Not long after, he played a small role in the TV series “Ms. Fazilet and Her Daughters.” After the filming of this project, Mert was finally convinced that acting was his destiny. At that time, his role in the series “Master” brought him great fame. In this series, which addressed the topic of bullying in schools, the actor played the role of Atesh. Interestingly, young Mert Ramazon was teased by his classmates in school for his thick eyebrows, which made him very shy growing up.
After that, Mert Ramazon's acting career began to develop rapidly. He was regularly invited to new projects, and famous brands offered him multi-million dollar advertising contracts.

Scene from the “I Am You” film
Meanwhile, he acted in films such as “Rise of the Ottoman Empire,” “Shahmaran,” “Not the Time to Die,” “Naked,” “I Am You,” and “There is Love in Your Voice.”
5. “23” and Other Tattoos

Photo: Dzen
Mert Ramazon Demir has several small tattoos. For example, the number 701 is tattooed on his leg. According to the actor, this is the hotel room number where an important event in his life took place. The phrase “To the wonder” is tattooed on his wrist.
Recently, another tattoo — the number “23” appeared on the actor's arm. According to fans' speculation, it could be a number related to the actor's future wedding date or the date of their first meeting.
6. Personal Life

Photo: Instagram
Mert's first love was a girl named Aysa, but their relationship ended after the actor moved to Istanbul.
During the filming of “Fortress Secrets,” before becoming famous, there was no reliable information about the actor's personal life. Then in 2023, rumors emerged about a romantic relationship between Demir and his colleague Afra Sarachoglu. A few months later, Turkish media even published bright photos of their joint vacation.
In fact, the actors had met earlier, having worked together on the projects “The Teacher” and “Ms. Fazilet and Her Daughters.”
In the winter of 2023, Afra stated that there was nothing between her and Mert. After that, the media literally “exploded” with news of their separation.

Photo: Dzen
However, Mert Ramazon and Afra's vacation together in Portugal in January 2025 fueled rumors about their engagement. Some media outlets reported that the star couple was preparing for a wedding.