A black crow was caught wandering in the city of Tashkent

Photo: Frame from the video
Reports have spread about an unknown animal wandering in the streets of Yakkasaroy district in Tashkent city. The Ecology Department provided information regarding the situation.
Based on the complaints made through the hotline, inspectors from the Tashkent city Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change Department went to the site and determined that the unfamiliar animal was a black buck, which is listed in the Red Book.
In collaboration with specialists from the Tashkent Zoo, efforts were made to capture this animal, and it was handed over to the zoo.
The black buck lives in arid regions of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, as well as the northwestern parts of Pakistan and India. It is distinguished by its sturdy build, long legs, small face, long ears, and long teeth. Its coat can sometimes be reddish or yellowish, and it has small reddish spots on its abdomen.