Big scarf: results of the second day of Uzbek judokas

On the second day of the "Katta Dubulga" tournament taking place in Tashkent, Uzbek athletes won 3 medals, reported the National Olympic Committee.
"Our judokas who stepped onto the tatami earned 2 silver and 1 bronze medals," the report states.
Silver medal: -81 kg: Arslon Tojiyev, -70 kg: Xurshida Razzoqberdiyeva;
Bronze medal: -73 kg: Shahram Ahadov.

It should be noted that on the first day of the "Katta Dubulga" tournament, Uzbek athletes won 1 silver and 4 bronze medals.

For information, the grand opening ceremony of the Tashkent "Katta Dubulga" judo competition was held on February 28 at the "Yunusabad Sports Complex".