At least one inclusive school will be established in districts and cities

Starting from the 2025−2026 academic year, at least one general education school that meets the requirements of inclusive education will be established in each district and city of Uzbekistan, gradually.
According to the presidential decree on the implementation of the state program planned for 2025, the number of general education schools where a new assessment system will be introduced will reach 3,000.
In preschool education organizations and general education schools, "Ecological corners" will be created, including works made by hand, drawings made by students, and creative works. In preschool education organizations, "Ecological pathways" will be established, and at the end of the first and third quarters in schools, a series of events will be organized on the topic "My contribution to nature conservation." At the end of the academic year, a nationwide competition for the "Best Eco School" will be held.
A module for ordering books in the "Digital Library" system will be introduced. General education schools will be equipped with laboratory equipment for natural sciences, sports equipment, and national musical instruments.