Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated women on March 8
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated the women of the country in his speech at the solemn ceremony held on March 8 - International Women's Day. The text of the state leader's speech was published by the presidential press service:
Greetings to you, dear sisters, my beloved girls!
First of all, I sincerely congratulate you, dear ones, and all the women of our multi-ethnic homeland on March 8 - International Women's Day from the bottom of my heart.
Our thinker grandfather Alisher Navoi, by glorifying the great image of mothers and esteemed women, certainly did not do so in vain by inviting all of us to be selfless in the path of their happiness and well-being.
Indeed, your service in nurturing high human values such as kindness, nobility, love, and loyalty, and in strengthening the family hearth cannot be compared to anything.
The fact that today's blessed holiday is taking place in the holy month of Ramadan enhances its noble spirit and meaning.
Our sacred religion also commands us to always do good to our esteemed mothers, beloved sisters, and kind daughters, and to respect and honor them.
May such joyful holidays be blessed for all of you!
Dear participants of the gathering!
In recent years, ensuring the rights and interests of women has been given a leading place in the state policy of New Uzbekistan.
Today, we gratefully acknowledge that our esteemed women are making a worthy contribution to the rapid development of our homeland in various fields and sectors.
For example, while women made up an average of 20 percent in the management sector in 2017, this figure has now reached 35 percent. Women make up 38 percent of the deputies in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis and 27 percent of the members of the Senate.
The increased participation of women in state governance and parliamentary activities is positively impacting the development of our society, as life itself shows.
Most importantly, our intelligent, educated, and talented women are becoming role models in all areas of state and society.
Last year, in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, three female athletes from our country's delegation won gold medals, eight won silver, and three won bronze, which is an unprecedented achievement in our history.
Our girls are also raising the flag of Uzbekistan high in the field of culture and art. Last year, 25 of our talented girls won in prestigious international competitions in the field of culture and art, and 71 won in national competitions, which is a testament to this.
We will create additional conditions for the expansion of such women and for our girls to emerge as a creative generation in the future.
Of course, such large-scale efforts are rightfully recognized internationally.
Dear compatriots!
We all need to understand one truth well. The worries and hardships of women, as well as their responsibilities, are much higher than those of men.
Women who are studying, working, and engaging in entrepreneurship, in addition to household chores and raising children, are the true heroes of our time.
In New Uzbekistan, alleviating the burdens of women and creating necessary conditions for them in all areas will always remain one of the top priorities of state policy.
For this reason, in accordance with the principle of a social state in our renewed Constitution, we are fundamentally reorganizing work in the field of social protection. In this regard, the situation of women is being studied in every neighborhood, and 1 million women in need of social protection and assistance have been included in the "Women's Register".
This year, targeted work will be carried out with each of them, medical assistance will be provided to 162 thousand women with disabilities in sanatoriums, hospitals, and in their neighborhoods, material assistance will be provided to 130 thousand women who have lost their breadwinners, the living conditions of another 6 thousand women will be improved, and working-age sisters seeking jobs will be employed.
Additionally, every year, 50 thousand women in difficult situations will be sent to beautiful places in our country for education and recreation. They will receive psychological support, and motivational seminars will be organized to teach them entrepreneurial skills.
The chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, Q. Rafiqov, will lead these efforts.
The health of women is the foundation of a healthy and powerful society.
For this purpose, 230 maternity hospitals in our country will be equipped with 21 thousand of the most modern medical devices. Furthermore, this year, screenings will be conducted for early detection of cancer in 1.5 million women.
The increasing popularity of physical education and sports among women is greatly contributing to the formation of a healthy environment in society. For this reason, this year, 4 million women in all neighborhoods will be involved in mass sports competitions.
We need to turn one important truth into a rule of our lives. If women are healthy, families will be strong, and their spiritual environment and work ethic will rise, increasing confidence in the future.
Today, 40 thousand families are serving as examples for everyone, and we are all pleased that 208 of them were awarded the "Exemplary Family" badge last year.
Just one example. The Qoziboyev family in the Toshloq district has been a role model for 45 years. The head of the family, Muqaddamkhan opa, dedicated 35 years of her life to educating and nurturing the younger generation. Together with her husband, she also established a farm that has provided income for nearly fifty families in the district.
Pay attention to another aspect. This family has taken in more than 30 needy families and is caring for their children, helping them to receive education and learn professions.
In the neighborhoods, we are supported by such exemplary families in raising a well-rounded generation and fighting poverty, which deserves the highest recognition.
Taking this opportunity, I sincerely thank such exemplary families that embody the spirit of New Uzbekistan.
The more such families there are, the stronger our homeland will be, and the more powerful our people will be! An exemplary family will be the foundation for an exemplary and just society.
Dear sisters!
You all know well that in recent years we have been paying special attention to the quality education of women.
I never tire of repeating one thought.
If we educate one girl, we educate the whole family. If a family is knowledgeable and enlightened, the consciousness and cultural level of society will also rise.
The fact that more than 52 percent of the students in 203 higher education institutions in our country are women is a practical result of this noble idea. Last year alone, nearly 15 thousand women studying in master's programs were provided with nearly 100 billion soums for their tuition fees.
Currently, more than 6,200 women are engaged in scientific activities, and women scientists create 25 percent of scientific developments, which indicates that their place in society is becoming more established. The presence of internationally recognized representatives of science among them brings us endless pride and inspires our youth to achieve new successes.
For example, our renowned microbiologist Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva was awarded the prestigious UNESCO Carlos Finlay International Prize for her scientific research on growing high-yield crops in saline soils.
A country with educated and skilled women will have peace and progress. A nation with enlightened women will undoubtedly be happy.
For this reason, we will continue to create all conditions for our girls in every family to be fully covered by kindergartens and schools, to master modern professions and foreign languages, and to obtain higher education. Specifically, this year, 250 thousand of our girls will be enrolled in higher education. This is 3.5 times more than in 2017. As a result, 25-30 women from each neighborhood will have the opportunity to study in higher education institutions.
For this, the chairperson of the Committee for Family and Women, Z. Mahkamova, and the Minister of Preschool and School Education, H. Umarova, will organize individual approaches to work with our girls in the upper grades of each school and prepare them for higher education.
This year, we are launching the "Bright Future" project to educate talented youth from disadvantaged families abroad. Within the framework of this project, at least 200 of our girls will be sent to prestigious universities around the world every year.
The Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations, Q. Sharipov, the Minister of Poverty Reduction and Employment, B. Zohidov, and the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, D. Vahobov, will be responsible for training another 250 thousand women in professions and entrepreneurship.
Dear participants of the gathering!
We understand that the approval of our people is primarily your approval.
The biggest issue troubling our women is unemployment. For this reason, we are implementing large programs to ensure women's employment and engage them in entrepreneurship. Last year alone, 17 trillion soums were allocated for these purposes. Thanks to such attention, our women entrepreneurs produced goods worth 81 trillion soums and achieved 450 million dollars in exports last year, which is certainly commendable.
For example, in the city of Navoi, entrepreneur Shahnoza Karimova, who produces confectionery and bread products, has trained and employed 50 needy women. She has also paid the down payment for housing for 10 of them.
Most importantly, such generous women entrepreneurs can be found in all our regions. They have initiated the project "I am a Creative Woman," training thousands of women in neighborhoods in various professions and helping them to earn income, which truly inspires me.
I consider such business-minded women who take on great social responsibility as "Creative Women of New Uzbekistan" and express my deep gratitude to them. I am ready to create any additional conditions and conveniences they need.
As a practical step in this regard, what do you think about establishing a Council of Entrepreneurial Women under the Chamber of Commerce and Industry?
This council will directly address the issues facing women entrepreneurs in the regions before parliament, which I believe will be very timely.
The deputy chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nodira Shotursunova, will lead these efforts.
This year, we have set ambitious goals to ensure the employment of 2 million women, including 1.3 million women in entrepreneurship. For this, commercial banks will provide favorable financial packages to develop women's entrepreneurship.
For example, "National Bank" (A. Mirsoatov) will support at least 200 thousand women's projects in the service sector. "Turonbank" ATB (Ch. Mirzayev) will provide low-interest loans for 150 thousand women in lemon cultivation.
Similarly, "Microcreditbank" ATB (O. Botayev) will support 160 thousand women in poultry farming, "Industrial Construction Bank" ATB (A. Akbarjonov) will support 160 thousand in vegetable and seedling cultivation, "People's Bank" (Sh. Otaboyev) will support 150 thousand in grape, broccoli, and local cabbage cultivation, "Agrobank" (E. Qahhorov) will support 144 thousand in gardening, and "Business Development Bank" (S. Annaqlichev) will support 94 thousand in growing greens, bell peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes, while "Asakabank" (Q. To‘laganov) will support 82 thousand in pharmaceuticals and grape cultivation, and "Aloqabank" (K. Irisbekova) will help 58 thousand women in IT, beekeeping, and fruit cultivation.
For this purpose, an additional 3.3 trillion soums will be allocated this year for women's entrepreneurship projects in neighborhoods. Specifically, another 100 million dollars will be provided under family entrepreneurship programs. Additionally, commercial banks will attract another 100 million dollars and provide up to 50 million soums in unsecured loans to self-employed women in neighborhoods.
The "Hamroh" company, established last year, has started a support program for entrepreneurial women based on a new system. We have allocated 100 million dollars for this project as well.
We will start providing unsecured loans of up to 100 million soums to women entrepreneurs who repay their loans on time within the framework of this program.
Additionally, 1,000 "mentor" entrepreneurs who bring 5 women into business will receive grants of up to 50 million soums.
The Central Bank (T. Ishmetov) will be responsible for establishing financial services for women in banks within two months, together with commercial banks, based on a new approach.
For example, the payment period for bank loans for women on maternity leave will be extended to 10 months.
Now we will implement a new four-stage system for developing women's entrepreneurship.
In the first stage, 20 thousand women interested in business but lacking skills will be trained in entrepreneurship. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (D. Vahobov, N. Shotursunova) will be responsible for this.
In the second stage, "People's Bank" (Sh. Otaboyev, G. Rashidova) will assist 100 thousand self-employed women in becoming small entrepreneurs.
In the third stage, "Hamroh" company (D. Nurmatova) will be responsible for bringing two small enterprises in each district to the level of exemplary medium-sized businesses.
In the fourth stage, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (D. Vahobov) will turn the 50 most active women entrepreneurs into "champion entrepreneurs" with an annual turnover exceeding 100 billion soums.
This year, we have set significant goals to turn 60 districts into "areas free from unemployment and poverty." Additionally, governors will be responsible for turning two districts in each region into areas where no unemployed women remain.
Overall, 2025 will be a decisive year for ensuring women's employment.
By training women in professions, providing them with jobs, and developing entrepreneurship, the employment of 2 million women will be ensured.
In this regard, the Central Bank (T. Ishmetov) will work with commercial banks to support 1.3 million women, the Federation of Trade Unions (Q. Rafiqov) will assist 636 thousand women included in the "Women's Register," and the Committee for Family and Women (Z. Mahkamova) will be responsible for training 100 thousand women who wish to engage in entrepreneurship to help them find jobs and start their businesses.
Z. Mahkamova and Q. Rafiqov will be responsible for effectively organizing the implementation of the tasks set in each area at the regional, district, and neighborhood levels.
T. Norboyeva will systematically monitor these activities together with local councils, regularly discussing them with the participation of responsible individuals.
Esteemed sisters!
Today, our lives, people's lifestyles, thinking, worldview, and culture are continuously rising.
We are setting very lofty goals in all fields and areas.
To achieve this, it is in your hands, dear devoted mothers, to raise and nurture a mature generation that we can rely on.
Therefore, we will never tire of expressing our immense gratitude to you, our esteemed women, and supporting you.
Dear participants of the gathering!
On this holiday, a group of our esteemed women who have achieved great results in their labor activities and public work, and who have gained respect and attention among our people, were awarded high state orders and medals.
Additionally, 28 of our girls, who have been role models for their peers with their knowledge, talent, and character, have been awarded the state prize named after Zulfiya for their achievements in various fields.
May the high awards of our homeland be blessed for all of you!
I once again sincerely congratulate you on behalf of myself and our entire nation and wish you great success and good fortune in your future endeavors.
Always stay healthy!
Dear compatriots!
Esteemed sisters!
Today, we must firmly continue the great reforms we have begun, believing in our brave and noble people and their creative potential, and elevate them to a new level.
I believe that our dear women will always be at the forefront in building a new era of resurgence for our beloved homeland.
I sincerely congratulate you once again on this blessed holiday.
I wish you all health, peace and tranquility in your homes, and may the greatest wealth in the world - family happiness and prosperity - be with you.
May you always walk in the honor of your children and loved ones, and our people!