Gifts were distributed to the women of reconciled families by the Oltiariq district department of the Bureau

In every society, protecting the rights and interests of minors is one of the main tasks of a modern state. Bureau authorities, especially, take on significant responsibility in matters related to alimony payments.
The Mandatory Enforcement Bureau in the Oltiariq district is one of these entities, actively working to recover alimony funds and take appropriate measures in this regard.
Strict measures are being taken against individuals who evade compliance with court decisions regarding alimony payments. According to the legislation, there are measures such as holding such individuals administratively and criminally liable. This is of great importance for protecting the rights and interests of minors.
On March 6 of this year, a mobile court session was held by the Oltiariq district department of the Bureau. During this session, the cases of 10 alimony debtors were reviewed based on the decision of the Oltiariq district court. Of these, 3 individuals were sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention. Such measures demonstrate the importance of fulfilling alimony obligations.
At the same time, during the court proceedings, an alimony debt of 29 million soums was resolved. This certainly became a source of joy for their families.
What is most gratifying is that as a result of the court proceedings, four more families reconciled. Family reconciliation is a beneficial situation for any society, as it creates the desired happiness and comfort for minor children in such cases.
To further enhance this joy, the employees of the Mandatory Enforcement Bureau showed respect and attention to women, congratulating them on the upcoming International Women's Day on March 8. This reflects the humanitarian nature of the work carried out by the Bureau's employees.
Thus, the activities of the Bureau in the Oltiariq district serve as an important step in protecting the rights and interests of minors.