"Akron" — How was Abbosbek Fayzullayev's performance evaluated in the CSKA match?

The match between "Akron" and CSKA took place in the 21st round of the RPL.
Uzbek midfielder Abbosbek Fayzullayev (CSKA), who played for the guests, started the match from the bench.
Our compatriot, who played for the Moscow team, joined the game in the 77th minute, while the home team's defender Sherzod Esanov remained on the bench.
CSKA achieved victory thanks to goals from Kirill Glebov and Saul Guararipa, while "Akron" was limited to a goal from Vladimir Khubulov.
The ratings given to the players by the Sofascore portal were as follows. Abbosbek Fayzullayev's performance was rated at 6.9 points: