What did Lazarevich say about his return to "Qizilqum," the selection, and the Antalya gathering?

“Qizilqum” team is also conducting training camps in Antalya. They are participating in friendly matches as planned. Yesterday, the team from Navoi participated in a control match against the Georgian team “Samgurali,” which ended without a score. After the match, we interviewed “Qizilqum” head coach Nikola Lazarevich.
- The match ended in a draw. Are you satisfied?
- As you can see, a nearly new team has been formed. Only a few players from last year remain. The selection work started at the beginning of the year. We are growing from game to game, from training to training. This is considered very important. The players are quickly understanding each other.
Overall, we showed a good performance in the first game against the Ukrainian team. I was satisfied with the first half of this match. I have some questions regarding the second half. We will watch the game and analyze it. We will try to reduce mistakes before the championship starts.
- You managed “Qizilqum” three years ago. Honestly, we didn't expect your return. How did this happen?
- There were many calls from ordinary teams. However, good relations had been maintained with this team. The team was left without a coach. I was also ready to work. They made an offer, and I accepted it with pleasure. The management was also happy about my return.
- What is the goal of “Qizilqum” in the new season?
- We will fight for the championship (laughs).
- Are you confident about this?
- The goal is to create a good team. You saw the main lineup; we added many players. If we finish in the 5th or 6th places, that would be a good result, and we will strive for that.
- Are you satisfied with the selection? Will new players be added to the squad?
- We started the process a bit later in this regard. Teams with high goals have started to attract the necessary players to their squads after the season ends. We started this work at the beginning of the year. This process was very difficult. Nevertheless, we offered good players. We mainly selected legionnaires playing in Uzbekistan. Overall, we formed a new team. We need to quickly adapt these players to the style we want and build a good team. We will witness this during the championship.