How do teachers maintain their lifelong qualification category?

It is known that according to the decision No. 130 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated February 28, 2025, the procedure for the certification of teachers has been improved, as reported by the Education News website.
According to the decision, starting from September 1, 2025, all teachers will be involved in certification test examinations every 5 years, and the practice of granting a lifelong qualification category will be abolished.
However, until September 1, 2025, teachers who meet the following requirements will not be subject to mandatory certification, and they will continue to be paid according to their existing qualification category (position):
– those who have continuously maintained a higher qualification category (senior teacher position) for 15 years;
– those with 25 years or more of work experience in pedagogical activity;
– those who have 5 years or less until reaching retirement age;
– those who have reached retirement age and are continuing their pedagogical activity.
Teachers who meet any of these criteria will be exempt from certification, and this requirement will not apply to them even after September 1.
However, teachers who do not meet these criteria will still be required to undergo mandatory certification every 5 years, even if they later reach 15 years of experience or retirement age.
According to the legislation, the norms that come into force after September 1, 2025, will only apply to situations occurring after that date.
Additionally, teachers who meet the established criteria until September 1, 2025, will have their category officially renewed only after the qualification period expires and will be maintained for life.