They will make you happy, "fix" digestion: the most beneficial mushrooms

Mushrooms should be included in the diet unless otherwise indicated. Nutritionist Elena Tikhomirova explained how the product affects our body.
According to the doctor, mushrooms are very beneficial for maintaining gut health. Mushrooms contain what is called "mushroom fiber." When it reaches the large intestine, it actively absorbs harmful substances and then removes them from the body, Tikhomirova said in an interview with
The beneficial properties of mushrooms do not stop there. The dietitian emphasized that people who add mushrooms to their diet improve intestinal motility, good microflora grows, and becomes "stronger."
Why is gut health so important? It's simple: a healthy, normally functioning gut boosts immunity, protects the brain from various harms, and also regulates a person's emotional state, meaning it prevents depression and provides more energy for daily activities.
Elena Tikhomirova also identified mushrooms as excellent food "companions" for those looking to lose weight. Mushrooms contain almost no calories, so they can and should be added to diet meals.