Answers to the most common questions about fasting

If a person falls asleep during the pre-dawn meal in Ramadan, what should they do, should they break their fast first or pray the evening prayer, can a fasting person use toothpaste? The Fatwa department of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan provided explanations on these and other questions.
- What should a person do if they fall asleep during the pre-dawn meal in Ramadan?
- A person who falls asleep during the pre-dawn meal in Ramadan, if they wake up and want to eat or drink something, their intention and the fast they will keep that day will not be valid. A person who falls asleep during the pre-dawn meal in Ramadan should, upon waking, intend to fast for that day without engaging in anything that breaks the fast (such as eating, drinking, or marital relations). This intention can be made until the sun reaches its zenith.
- Can a fasting person swallow their saliva?
- A fasting person's fast is not broken by swallowing saliva. However, one should avoid deliberately gathering saliva in the mouth and swallowing it. In normal circumstances, swallowing saliva is not considered disliked.
- Can a fasting person use toothpaste?
- A fasting person can use toothpaste to clean their teeth. However, care must be taken to avoid swallowing any saliva mixed with toothpaste. Otherwise, the fast may be broken.
- Should one break their fast first or pray the evening prayer?
- In our religion, it is encouraged to hasten breaking the fast, and deliberately delaying breaking the fast until after the evening prayer is contrary to the Sunnah.
- Does a fasting person's vomiting break their fast?
- If a fasting person does not deliberately vomit, their fast is not broken. However, if they deliberately induce vomiting, their fast is broken.
- If rain enters a fasting person's mouth, does it affect their fast?
- If rain droplets or snowflakes accidentally enter a fasting person's mouth and go down their throat, their fast is broken, and they must make up for that fast.
- If a person has small remnants of food stuck in their teeth after the pre-dawn meal, and they taste it after closing their mouth, is their fast valid?
- If the remnants of food left between the teeth after the pre-dawn meal are smaller than a chickpea and they swallow it, there is no harm. However, if they take it out of their mouth and then put it back in and swallow it, their fast is broken. If it is the size of a chickpea or larger, the fast is broken.
- Is it permissible to get engaged or hold a wedding ceremony during the breaking of the fast in Ramadan?
- Yes, it is permissible.
- Can a fasting person have blood drawn?
- Yes, it is allowed.
- If a woman has a breastfeeding child who is 1 year old, can she fast?
- If it would harm you or your child, you are allowed not to fast. Later, you can make up for one day for each day missed.
- Does bathing with soap or shampoo break the fast?
- It does not break the fast as long as it does not enter the mouth or nose.
- Is it permissible to fast after the first day of Eid?
- Yes, it is permissible.
- If one does not have a pre-dawn meal, are they still considered to be fasting?
- Having a pre-dawn meal is a Sunnah. If a person does not eat or drink after the time of Fajr, it is sufficient for them to intend to fast for the day until midday. There is no obligation to make up for it.
- Is it permissible to sleep until the afternoon during the days of Ramadan?
- Yes, it is permissible.
- If a person sleeps after the pre-dawn meal and experiences a nocturnal emission, does it break their fast?
- Experiencing a nocturnal emission during sleep does not break the fast, as this occurs without the person's control. A fasting person who experiences this should perform a full ablution upon waking.
This information is prepared based on the data from the Fatwa department of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan at