Fighting Toxins: Six Foods That Cleanse the Blood
There are six foods that cleanse the blood. They have many benefits. Alexander Umnov, a teacher at the Department of Fundamental Medical Sciences of the State Educational University and a practicing surgeon, spoke about them in an interview with the publication "Izvestiya".
Colorless water. When consumed, the body receives necessary electrolytes from the outside and excess is excreted through urine.
Garlic. This plant boosts immunity and deactivates toxins in the blood. At the same time, garlic improves the health of the cardiovascular system.
Lemon. Citrus fruits rich in vitamin C strengthen the body's immune system. Lemon also helps fats to break down more quickly.
Blueberry. Blueberries help liver cells to regenerate quickly and stimulate the production of certain enzymes. At the same time, greens help remove toxins from the body, including harmful chemical reagents.
Turmeric. This plant helps in fighting inflammation and synthesizing necessary enzymes in the liver.
Omega-3 fatty acids. These substances derived from fish restore liver and kidney tissues while also helping to better remove toxins from the blood.
Previously, nutritionist and first-class gastroenterologist Nuriya Dianova and doctor Aleksandra Fileva stated that polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 class are very important for people. They reduce chronic inflammation, participate in the functioning of the nervous system, serve as an energy source, protect the heart, help normalize cholesterol levels, improve memory, strengthen immunity, reduce the risk of blood clots, and even decrease the development of depression.
However, excessive doses of Omega-3 can be dangerous. For example, excessive consumption of acids can lead to nausea, diarrhea, and dysfunction of the thyroid and liver. It is not recommended to take Omega-3 with anticoagulants. The fact is that acids enhance the effects of such medications, meaning there is a risk of bleeding.