Uzbek scholars did not recommend giving certain names to the child

One of the greatest blessings of the Creator is children. Their growth, development, and finding their place in life is an endless blessing for parents. Choosing a beautiful name for a child is an acknowledgment and appreciation of this blessing given by Allah.
Because a beautiful, meaningful name enhances a person's character. Conversely, names with ugly and vile meanings are not pleasing to anyone. The Uzbekistan Muslim Board has provided answers to questions about what names are inappropriate for children.
- What does the name Abdurasul mean?
- The name Abdurasul means "servant of the Prophet." It is advisable to change such names.
- My name is Shohruh. Many of my religious acquaintances advise me to change my name, saying it does not quite fit our religion. Is that true?
- If possible, it is better to change it.
- I heard that naming a girl Sanam is not good. My daughter's name is Gulsanamkhan; what does this name mean, and is it permissible to name a girl this?
- Sanam (صنم) means "idol" in Arabic. Therefore, such a name should not be used. Every parent should not just choose a name they like or that sounds beautiful to their ears, but should inquire about the meaning of the name from knowledgeable people before naming their child. Names like Shohsanam or Gulsanam are not permissible. Allah knows best.
- I am currently pregnant with my third child. When I went for a check-up, they said it would be a girl (only Allah knows). If God wills, we want to name her Safina. Safina is the name of the ships of Noah (peace be upon him). Can we name our child this?
- You should choose names that indicate good meanings for your child. The word "Safina" mentioned in your question means "ship" in Arabic. Choosing a beautiful name for a child is one of the responsibilities of parents. Allah knows best.
- I heard that my niece's name Maftunaxon is not good; is that true?
- In Arabic, this word can have two forms. The word Maftuna translates to mean "intensely devoted to something," "deviated from the right path," and "mind stolen" or "burned." Therefore, we advise against using such a name. Allah knows best.
- I would like to ask about the meaning of the name Muhriddin. May Allah increase your knowledge.
- In Arabic, "Muhrun" refers to a young male. Although this name exists in our culture, it is not considered a common name among religious people. If we were to interpret this name, we could hope for meanings like "young son of the religion" or "devout from youth." Allah knows best.
- We recently had a son and want to name him Alazim. This name is one of the names of the Creator; they said it should be given as Abdulazim. They also said that my older son's name Alaziz should be changed. Please provide clarification on this matter.
- Yes, when naming, the beautiful names of Allah are prefixed with the word "abdu." You should name him Abdulazim. As for your older son, you can change Alaziz to Aziz or Abdulaziz. Naming is an important act. Therefore, a person should not just choose a name they like for their child without considering its meaning and whether it is permissible to use that name, and should ask knowledgeable people before naming. Unfortunately, some people from our Muslim community are naming their children after non-Muslim athletes or actresses whose lifestyles are unknown to us. Such naming is considered a violation of the child's rights.
- If Allah grants me a son, can I name him A’malmuhammad?
- The name you mentioned does not convey the correct meaning. Therefore, refrain from using such a name.
- Can we name our daughter Elif, which is a name among Turks? I heard that Turkey is also a Muslim country.
- The word "Elif" in Turkish refers to the first letter of the Arabic alphabet, "Alif." It is just the name of a letter and has no other meaning. It would be better to choose another name for your daughter that has a beautiful meaning. Allah knows best.