Several streets will be closed during the Tarawih prayer in Tashkent

Due to the Tarawih prayer during the nights of Ramadan, starting from February 28 of this year, the roads near mosques will be restricted for vehicle traffic every day from 18:00 to 24:00.
In the Mirzo Ulugbek district:
- Tepa mosque - Traffic will be restricted from Dormon street to Olimlar street.
In the Bektemir district:
- Alibek mosque - Traffic will be restricted from M.Avezov street to X.Boyqaro street.
In the Yashnobod district:
- Islam ota mosque - Traffic will be restricted from Farg‘ona street to Zarkent and Obishir streets from the second-class road.
- Ali ibn Abu Tolib mosque - Traffic will be restricted from Cho‘lpon street to Salohiyat street.
In the Mirobod district:
- Valikhoja o‘g‘li Norxoja mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the intersection of Yangi-Qo‘yliq-Fayziobod streets to the 5th lane of Fayziobod street.
- Qo‘yliq ota mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the intersection of THAY-Qo‘yliq ota streets to Yangi Qo‘yliq lane.
In the Sergeli district:
- Ma’ruf ota mosque - Traffic will be restricted from Choshtepa street to the 1st lane of Choshtepa street.
- No‘g‘ayqo‘rg‘on mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the intersection of Yangi Sergeli–S.Xo‘janov streets to the intersection of S.Xo‘janov and Mohidil streets.
In the Yakkasaroy district:
- Usmon bin Maz’um mosque - Traffic will be restricted from KHAY-Fayzli Tashkent intersection to KHAY-Qushbegi intersection.
- Yakkasaroy mosque - Traffic will be restricted from Sh.Rustaveli-Yakkasaroy intersection to Yakkasaroy-Bog‘ibo‘ston intersection.
- Rakat mosque - Traffic will be restricted from J.Shoshiy street to Askiya street.
In the Yangihayot district:
- Niyozmat ota mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the THAY-Binokor intersection to the entrance of the Pastdarxon neighborhood.
In the Shayxontohur district:
- Shayx Zayniddin (Ko‘kcha) mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Ko‘kcha Darvoza-Nurafshon intersection to the Ko‘kcha Darvoza Beshqayrag‘och intersection.
- Kamolon mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Bunyodkor-Kamolon intersection to the Kamolon-2nd lane Ustazoda intersection.
In the Olmazor district:
- Hazrati imom mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Nurafshon-Qorasaroy intersection to the Qorasaroy-A.Qodiriy intersection.
- Islomobod mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the KHAY-Sag‘bon intersection to the Nurafshon-Sag‘bon intersection.
- Do‘stjonboy (Sulola) mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Sag‘bon-12th lane Sag‘bon intersection to the Keles road-Noraztepa intersection.
In the Yunusobod district:
- Mirza Yusuf mosque - Traffic will be restricted on Bog‘ishamol street to Shivli street.
In the Uchtepa district:
- Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (Katta Qani) mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Katta Qani roundabout to the Lutfiy-Katta Xirmontepa street intersection.
- Hazrati Ali mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Nazarbek-Mahorat intersection to Nazarbek-1st lane Zamaxshariy street.
In the Chilonzor district:
- Novza mosque - Traffic will be restricted from under the Bunyodkor-Muqimiy bridge to the 2nd class road, up to the Bunyodkor-Kamolon bridge.
- Shayx Muhammad Sodiq Muhammad Yusuf mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Al-Xorazmiy-Gavhar intersection to the So‘galli ota street.
- Ubay ibn Ka’f (Bo‘rijar) mosque - Traffic will be restricted from the Al-Xorazmiy-Katta Xirmontepa intersection, along Al-Xorazmiy street, to the Al-Xorazmiy-Katta Qani intersection.
Only special vehicles are allowed to move in these streets.