A new railway line will be drawn to Urgut district

Photo: Urgut district administration
A new railway line is being constructed from the Jomboy district to the Urgut district. This was reported by UzA.
It is reported that the new network, which is over 50 kilometers long, will be built according to the master plan developed by "Toshtemiryolloyiha" LLC, taking into account modern engineering solutions.
The new railway network will start near the "MAN" plant in the Jomboy district and will cross the 4R-238 highway, continuing along the Zarafshan River. A special railway bridge will be constructed over the river.
Then it will continue through the Toyloq and Samarkand districts to the Urgut district. Stations will be established in the densely populated areas of the Jomboy, Samarkand, Toyloq, and Urgut districts where the railway passes.

For example, a station will be built near the "Jartepa" border customs post located in the Urgut district, which borders Tajikistan. This will allow Tajik citizens to travel through our country by railway.
"This new network is one of the major projects in our country's railway sector. It will not only improve the transport network of the enterprises in the 'Urgut' free economic zone but also create convenience for the population and promote tourism in the region," says Rasuljon Roziyev, director of "Temiryo'l loyihasi" LLC.
It is noted that the construction of the new railway has been launched, with the participation of the Minister of Transport Ilhom Mahkamov, acting governor of Samarkand region Adiz Boboyev, and other officials.
For your information, the Urgut district, which has a population of nearly 600,000 and hosts thousands of enterprises, has not had a railway line constructed until now.