Shakarob has been ranked as the 42nd worst food in the world

TasteAtlas has published a ranking of the 100 worst foods in the world. In this list, the Shakarob (spicy-sweet) salad, popular in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, ranked 42nd.
The following description of Shakarob is provided on the TasteAtlas website:
“Shakarob is a simple salad that originates from Central Asia. It is especially popular in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. It includes tomatoes, onions, salt, and crushed red and black pepper. The tomatoes and onions are sliced thinly, then spices are added, and it is ready to eat. This salad can be served in separate portions or as a garnish with meat and rice.”
In the ranking of the worst foods, the first place is taken by Sweden's blood pancakes – "Blodplettar." The second place is Finland's "Blodpalt" (made with rye flour and animal blood), and the third place is Sweden's "Kalskrov," a sausage filled with hamburger and potatoes.
TasteAtlas is a gastronomic encyclopedia that collects information about foods and products from around the world. It takes into account user votes, expert reviews, popularity, and culinary heritage. The ranking is regularly updated.