How should you eat on cold days?

Based on the recommendations of Doctor of Medical Sciences Ilhom Otajonov regarding nutrition in cold days, the following points are summarized:
1. Heat-giving products:
- It is important to consume products that warm the body. For this, products such as buckwheat, cornmeal, fish, lamb, beef, and chicken meat, dairy products, ginger, and herbal teas are recommended.
- Hot spices like red and black pepper, ginger, and cinnamon improve blood circulation and warm the body.
2. Strengthening immunity:
- Protein-rich foods (meat, chicken broth) are crucial for strengthening immunity.
- Products rich in vitamins, including lamb and beef liver, increase the body's resistance to cold.
3. Energy-providing foods:
- Consuming small amounts of fatty meat provides the necessary energy to the body.
- Dough-based foods are also suitable for winter and have warming properties.
4. Nutritionists' recommendations:
- In winter, it is necessary to refrain from dieting and allow the body to rest and regain strength.
- Limiting sugar intake is beneficial for health.
5. Improving mental state:
- Warm, nutritious foods, especially chicken broth, have a positive effect on a person's mood.
- Spicy and hot coffee can keep the body energized.
By following the doctor's recommendations in cold days, one can improve both health and mood through healthy and proper nutrition.