The average salary in Uzbekistan reached 5.35 million soums

According to the statistics agency, the average nominal salary in Uzbekistan for the year 2024 amounted to 5.357 million soums, which is 17.4% more than the previous year.
The highest salary growth was recorded in Tashkent city, where the average figure reached 9.07 million soums, increasing by 21.4%. The second place is occupied by Navoi region (6.76 million soums, 15% growth), followed by Tashkent region (5.09 million soums, 12.2% growth). The lowest average salary was recorded in Kashkadarya region - 3.78 million soums (12.2% growth).
Salary distribution by sectors
The highest average salaries are observed in the finance and insurance sectors (15.26 million soums), information and communication sector (13.15 million soums), and transport and storage sector (8.11 million soums). The average salary in industry is 6.43 million soums, in trade it is 6.23 million soums, and in construction, it is 5.97 million soums. The lowest average salaries are recorded in healthcare and social services (3.41 million soums) and in the education sector (3.63 million soums).
Salaries in information technology and communication sector
The figures in this sector are quite high: software development, consulting, and other services - 18.28 million soums; information services - 16.9 million soums; communication - 10.91 million soums. Tashkent is the leading region in terms of salaries in the information and communication sector, where the average figure reached 14.85 million soums (a 24.8% increase year-on-year).
Salaries in education and healthcare sector
The highest average salary in the education sector was recorded in higher education institutions - 8.56 million soums, while the lowest was in preschool education - 1.96 million soums. The average income in technical and vocational education was 3.75 million soums, and in general education schools, it was 3.58 million soums. The highest average salary in the education sector was recorded in Tashkent (6.09 million soums), while the lowest was in Kashkadarya region (3.02 million soums). In the healthcare and social services sector, Tashkent is also the leader (4.31 million soums), while in Kashkadarya region, this figure is 2.68 million soums.