A new honorary title is being established in Uzbekistan

During the third plenary session of the Senate, the Law on the establishment of the honorary title "Ecologist of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was reviewed.
In recent years, based on the new requirements of sustainable development, reforms are being implemented with a new approach to environmental protection and ensuring ecological sustainability.
As an important factor of ecological sustainability, systematic measures are being taken to green the areas, protect trees, and expand and preserve green spaces.
Measures are being taken to cover the dried bottom of the Aral Sea with green vegetation, as well as to reduce emissions from industrial enterprises and vehicles.
These activities serve not only our country but also the goals of ecological sustainability in the region.
The concept of developing the sector and strategies in its direction are being successfully implemented. State and public organizations, as well as representatives of the wider community, are jointly carrying out efforts to ensure ecological sustainability.
The establishment of the honorary title "Ecologist of the Republic of Uzbekistan" is envisaged to support those directly and indirectly engaged in the field and to adequately reward their labor.
This honorary title will be awarded to citizens who have achieved significant results in developing the field of ecology and environmental protection in our country, preserving nature, maintaining biodiversity, mitigating the effects of climate change, and rationally using and restoring natural resources.
Additionally, specialists and representatives of the field, eco-activists who have shown special initiative in developing and implementing environmentally friendly and innovative technologies, expanding green areas, enhancing the ecological culture of the population, educating the younger generation in the spirit of respect for nature, and working selflessly to train highly qualified personnel in the system will also be recognized.
The law was approved by the senators.