What changes are expected in the social protection system for the population?

A presidential decree has been adopted on "Improving the procedures for financing the social protection system."
Starting from April 1, 2025:
Social assistance provided through "Social Registers" will be granted to families listed in the registry of poor families, while social assistance for improving housing conditions and healthcare will be provided to families whose monthly income does not exceed twice the minimum consumption expenditure per family member.
In this case, it is allowed to allocate no more than 25 percent of the revenues of the "Women's Register" and "Youth Register" funds for organizing and conducting cultural, educational, sports, and tourism events;
Social assistance through "Social Registers" will be provided in the following order:
- In the individual plan for lifting families out of poverty, the designation of specific social assistance for the youth and women of poor families will be the basis for providing social assistance from the "Social Registers" funds without requiring additional applications from individuals in this category;
- The social status of individuals who have applied for social assistance from the "Social Registers" funds will be determined through the "Unified National Social Protection" information system, while the financial status of the family will be automatically assessed (scoring) based on the results of inter-agency information exchange.