A monkey that stole money in Peru was captured by the police

In Peru, the police captured an unusual rule-breaker that caused damage to several homes. Officers apprehended a runaway monkey that was causing chaos and stealing money. This was reported by the National Forest and Wildlife Service of Peru.
Residents of the city of Ica contacted the police, reporting that they had seen money scattered on roofs, trees, and even electrical wires. It later became clear that the thefts and disturbances were caused by a pet monkey that had escaped from its owner.

The suspect monkey (a black-headed male capuchin) entered several homes and turned rooms upside down. Eventually, the "criminal" was captured and brought down from the tree.
During the investigation, officials determined that the animal was not native but belonged to a species commonly found in the Amazon regions. The rope marks on the monkey's waist indicated that it had been kept as a pet.
According to officials, the animal was too accustomed to human contact, so the police did not dare to release it back into the wild. Currently, the monkey is being kept at a local zoo in the city of Ica. It is still unknown whether the animal will remain there or be transferred to another sanctuary.