The famous Japanese singer has been appointed as the "Ambassador of Uzbek Culture"
Photo: Dunyo
The famous Japanese singer and musician Mashu Komazaki has been appointed as the Ambassador of Uzbek Culture.
This project was implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan by the embassy of the country to further expand cultural relations between Uzbekistan and Japan, aiming to promote the rich cultural heritage of the homeland, especially its national music and melodies in the land of the rising sun.
A ceremonial event dedicated to the appointment of Mashu Komazaki as the 'Ambassador of Uzbek Culture' was held by the embassy. During the event, Ambassador Muhsinxoja Abdurahmonov presented Komazaki Mashu with the 'Ambassador of Uzbek Culture' badge and certificate for his significant contribution to the development of cultural and educational relations between Uzbekistan and Japan and for introducing the Japanese public to the rich historical and cultural heritage of our country.
The ambassador emphasized that this title of 'Ambassador of Uzbek Culture' is the first ever awarded to a Japanese citizen, confirming the high attention of the Uzbek government towards developing cultural relations with Japan. It was noted that this prestigious title opens up broad opportunities for Komazaki Mashu to further promote Uzbek culture and art in Japan.
Mashu Komazaki expressed immense happiness at being the first foreign citizen to receive such an honorable title and thanked the Uzbek government for the high trust placed in him.
Mashu Komazaki was born in Tokyo. He graduated from the piano faculty of Tokyo University of the Arts in 2010. From 2015 to 2017, he worked as a music teacher at a secondary school in Bukhara under Japan's Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) program. During his time in Uzbekistan, he learned to play Uzbek national musical instruments, particularly the dutar. In 2018, he performed the piece "Sunbula" on the Uzbek dutar at the First International Maqom Art Symposium held in Uzbekistan, securing a proud third place. He also achieved a proud third place at the "Sharq Taronalari" International Music Festival and the "Boysun Bahori" International Folklore Festival held in 2024.