How Much Does Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev Charge for Wedding Performances in Tashkent?
Singer Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev shared details about the pricing of his wedding performances in an interview with the “Sayyod” YouTube channel.
— Our fee for wedding performances in Tashkent is set at $5,000. Let me explain everything from the beginning. I have a song called “Yetmasmidi?”. The arrangement for this song was done by Turkish producers, and it cost a significant amount. A lot of money was spent on the song itself and its music video, which featured Yigitali Mamajonov and Aysanem Yusupova. They don’t work for free either. I have 11 musicians, and including myself, there are 12 of us. This $5,000 includes the income for all these people. Additionally, I sing live, and live performances at weddings in Tashkent are quite rare.
That said, we don’t charge the same fee for everyone. Some people call and ask my assistant, “Are you that person’s manager?” If someone talks like that, my assistant might respond, “Yes, I’m the one,” and quote a price of $5,000 or $6,000. The price depends on how the person behaves. But in reality, our fee isn’t always $5,000. For instance, if we have two or three weddings in one day in Tashkent, we might perform for a much lower price.
Ahmadaliyev also explained why he doesn’t plan to move to Tashkent.
— I don’t have a house in Tashkent, and I don’t plan to move there because I can’t leave my parents behind. And my parents don’t want to live in Tashkent.