Intel Core i9-15900K showed lower than expected results in the Geekbench test
The Intel Core i9-15900K processor has appeared in the Geekbench database. However, since its number of cores and threads matches that of the Core i9-14900K, this model may be an incorrectly identified engineering sample.
The processor has 24 cores and 32 threads, as well as 8 MB of L2 and 36 MB of L3 cache. It operates on the LGA 1700 socket and belongs to the Raptor Lake or Raptor Lake Refresh series. In fact, Intel's true 15th generation (Arrow Lake) processors have a different identifier.
Geekbench test results were disappointing:
Single-core test – 2279 points
Multi-core test – 11690 points
This is significantly lower than the Core i9-14900K results (approximately 3000 and 20000 points). Additionally, the speed of the 15900K processor is also low: the base frequency is 800 MHz, and the maximum Boost is 4.8 GHz, while the maximum frequency of the 14900K is 5.8 GHz.
The test was conducted on the JGINYUE B760I Snow Dream motherboard. Intel has confirmed that it does not plan to release the 15000 series. This is just an incorrectly identified representative of the Core Ultra 2, and new generation processors will not appear anytime soon.