What is the "alien" captured in the Pacific Ocean actually?
Recently, a video of Russian fisherman Roman Fedorsov's unusual catch went viral on the internet. During a fishing expedition in the Pacific Ocean, he captured a unique, bizarre-looking creature. According to the images, this being resembles a human head with its swollen and protruding body, large open mouth, and astonishing eyes.
The incident sparked heated discussions on social media. Many referred to it as an "alien" or a mysterious sea creature. However, Roman Fedorsov dismissed these speculations, emphasizing that this creature is an aptocyclus (Smoothhead Blobfish) that lives in the deep sea.
Why does this fish look so strange?
Aptocyclus are one of the fish species that live at depths of up to 1700 meters. They typically have thin skin and soft muscle structure, adapted to high-pressure environments. The strong pressure in the deep sea helps maintain their body shape. However, when the fish gets caught in a net and brought to the surface, the sudden change in pressure causes its body to swell. This gives it a bizarre appearance, resembling an "alien."
Fedorsov's unusual catches
Roman Fedorsov is no stranger to encountering such extraordinary sea creatures. He frequently shares images of bizarre beings caught from the ocean floor on his Telegram and Twitter pages. This discovery once again proved how astonishing and diverse nature can be.
This event highlights how little humans know about life on the ocean floor. Perhaps there are still many undiscovered creatures out there?