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Proposed foreign words to replace the Uzbek equivalent

Society 20:06, 3-03-2025 7
Foreign words proposed to be replaced with Uzbek equivalents
The working group of the Terminology Commission of Uzbekistan reviewed public proposals to replace 30 foreign words with Uzbek equivalents, submitted by scholars from the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature, and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

The Institute proposed the following:
- Aysberg - Muztog‘
- Bruschatka - Yo‘lg‘isht
- Diskussiya - Bahs, munozara
- Zona - Hudud
- Instrument - Ish quroli
- Intensiv - Jadal
- Kamera - Bo‘lma
- Konstruksiya - Tuzilma
- Koordinator - Muvofiqlashtiruvchi
- Koridor - Yo‘lak
- Lider - Yo‘lboshchi, yetakchi
- Marshrut - Yo‘nalish
- Progress - Ilg‘or, rivojlanish
- Dostavka - Yetkazish
- Probeg - Yurim
- Set (ovqatlar seti bo‘yicha) - To‘plam
- Oprava - Ko‘zoynak bandi
- Polik - To‘shama
- Balansirovka - Muvozanatlashtirish
- Vnedorojnik - Yo‘ltanlamas
- Chelenj - Chorlov
- Navigator - Yo‘llagich
- Selfi - O‘zchekim
- Svetofor - Yo‘lchiroq
- Ekspluatatsiya - Foydalanish
- Aksiya - Yalpi harakat
- Kuler - Suvlik
- Keshbek - Hadya-qaytim
- Poverbank - Kuchlantirgich
- Karving - Meva bezakchiligi

“The working body is also pleased to accept and consider other opinions and comments regarding the national equivalents of the proposed terms. Do not be indifferent to our language!” states the announcement from the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.

Anyone can leave their opinion and other alternatives regarding the proposed words on the following page.

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