"Nasaf" held a presentation ceremony ahead of the new season

Yesterday, a meeting took place at the Youth Center in Qarshi city with the participation of the players and coaches of «Nasaf», fans, and the governor of Kashkadarya region, Murotjon Berdialiyevich Azimov.
During the event, the team's achievements from the past season were recalled.
Governor Murotjon Azimov emphasized how important the «Nasaf» club is for the region's population, noting that each of their victories brings high spirits to the fans. He also highlighted the necessity for the team to win trophies in the new season and to maintain their championship as the Super League champion from the past season.
The president of the team, the general director of the «Sho‘rtan gas-chemical complex», expressed gratitude to all participants and specifically acknowledged that the fans are a great strength for the team. It was noted that it was precisely due to their support and the team's unity that «Nasaf» achieved the long-awaited championship last season. He stated that the main goal for the new season is to secure the championship.
Team legend and our experienced coach Ro‘ziqul Berdiyev expressed gratitude to the regional administration and the main sponsor, the leadership of the «Sho‘rtan gas-chemical complex», for creating all the conditions for the team to achieve great success. He emphasized that the team will tirelessly work to justify the trust placed in them.
Additionally, Abduvohid Ne’matov and Dragan Cheran, one of the top scorers in recent years of the Super League who debuted with «Nasaf», also promised to justify the fans' trust.
At the end of the event, the newly joined players were ceremoniously presented with jerseys bearing their numbers:
Rubin Hebay – 99
Oleksandr Vorobey – 1
Dragan Cheran – 10
Suhrob Nurulloyev – 17
Umarbek Eshmurodov – 92
Husayn Norchayev – 18

Source: @fcnasaf