Telegram: became dangerous after the new update, it is recommended to turn off smartphones
After the latest update of Telegram, many complaints have arisen among users. They report that the new version is causing problems such as smartphones overheating and batteries draining quickly.
In particular, high activity of the messenger in background mode has been observed. This situation is causing concern among many users. In response to these issues, Artem Sheykin, Deputy Chairman of the Digital Economy Development Council of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, reached out to specialists from "Kaspersky Lab".
Experts' recommendation:
According to the response from "Kaspersky Lab", users are advised to carefully monitor the condition of their smartphones. If the device is overheating, it is necessary to immediately stop the operation of the messenger.
According to Sheykin:
"If you notice that your smartphone is overheating, it is important to close the Telegram app. This helps protect the device from malfunction."
For this reason, users are advised to be cautious when using the messenger and to prevent the device from overheating.