How harmful is it for the body to sleep near a smartphone?
Photo: iStock
Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives today. We use them for communication, work, information searching, and many other purposes. However, as smartphone addiction increases, a pertinent question arises: is it harmful to sleep with the phone next to the pillow? How dangerous is it for our health to have our favorite gadget constantly in our hands and pockets?
Below we find answers to these questions here.
1. Radiofrequency radiation
Mobile phones use radio waves to transmit signals. The radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by smartphones is generally low power and does not pose a significant risk to human health. However, long-term use or improper use of smartphones can present certain risks.
Although the radiation levels encountered in daily life are considered safe, experts recommend minimizing the time gadgets are kept close to the body. This rule is especially important during nighttime sleep. It is advisable to keep your phone away from the bed using the "Airplane" mode.
2. Sleep quality
Sleep is a vital process necessary for the body's recovery. However, sleeping close to a phone can negatively affect the quality of recovery. Firstly, the blue light emitted by mobile devices interferes with the production of the melatonin hormone, which regulates sleep. Additionally, using a smartphone before sleep delays the time it takes to fall asleep.
Secondly, incoming SMS messages and various notification sounds can disrupt your rest. The vibrations and sounds from the smartphone can wake a person, which also negatively impacts the overall quality of sleep.
3. Psychological factor
Sleeping with the phone placed at the bedside can increase gadget addiction. People who see their smartphone nearby often check social media unnecessarily, even when they don't want to or need to. This can be detrimental to mental health. It has been scientifically proven that smartphone addiction leads to increased levels of stress and anxiety. Constantly checking the phone for new information, even while trying to sleep, causes individuals to think about work or social obligations, leading to even more stress.
4. Hygiene and health
A smartphone is an item we carry everywhere with us and is constantly exposed to microbes and bacteria. Research shows that millions of microbes capable of causing various infections exist on the surfaces of gadgets.
5. Alternative solutions
First, to prevent incoming messages from distracting you at night, turn on "Do Not Disturb" mode before going to sleep. Second, to avoid checking social media, place your phone further away or in another room altogether. Use traditional alarm clocks instead of the smartphone's alarm.