The most anticipated movies and series of 2025

The year 2025 is expected to be exciting and full of impressions for movie and series fans. Every year, Hollywood and other film industry centers thrill audiences with new installments of beloved franchises. The following movies and series are among the most anticipated projects set to premiere in 2025.
Most Anticipated Movies
1. "Avatar 3"
The third part of James Cameron's legendary sci-fi film "Avatar" is finally expected to premiere. The film will provide more information about the world of Pandora and its new civilization.
2. "Avengers: Secret Wars"
This film presented by Marvel Studios will be a major event for Marvel fans. This installment brings together many superheroes and presents new and astonishing events.
3. "Star Wars: New Order"
The new phase of the "Star Wars" film will meet fans in 2025. The continuation of the series with new heroes and a unique plot is generating great interest among fans.
4. "Joker: Madness for Two"
The sequel to "Joker," featuring Joaquin Phoenix, is expected to be released in 2025. The film will be action-packed and dramatic, and its plot may leave everyone with unexpected impressions.
5. "Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two"
The new installment of the "Mission: Impossible" franchise starring Tom Cruise will present a series of thrilling situations for fans. The large-scale action and intrigue-filled scenes are sure to attract audiences to theaters.
Most Anticipated Series
1. "House of the Dragon" (Season 2)
This series, based on "Game of Thrones," will tell the fate of many beloved characters in its new season.
2. "The Last of Us" (Season 2)
The series created by Neil Druckmann and HBO gained a large fan base after its first season. This series is planning to return with a new season in 2025.
3. "Stranger Things" (Season 5)
One of the most popular series on Netflix, "Stranger Things," is expected to conclude with its final season in 2025. The plot and the fate of the characters are sure to be interesting for fans.
4. "The Witcher" (Season 4)
The new season of the popular fantasy series is planning to return with new actors and a new plot.
5. "Squid Game" (Season 2)
Netflix's globally popular series "Squid Game" is expected to increase viewers' excitement with its new season.
In 2025, a lot of interesting movies and series are expected to be presented to viewers. Hollywood and the global film industry will continue to thrill their fans with their projects. Which movie or series are you eagerly waiting for?