Munisa Rizayeva captivated her fans at the wedding (video)

Uzbek pop star Munisa Rizayeva performed with her wonderful song at one of the wedding events. Her movements on stage and emotions made it possible to feel how much she missed singing.
Emotionally rich performance

During the event, Munisa Rizayeva performed the song "Xayolingman, xayoling..." live for her fans. Her unique voice and spiritual melody shook the hearts of those present.
Xayolingman, xayoling...
Armoningman, armoning...
Qo‘llaring yetmagan, hidini bilmagan
Ozoringman ozoring...
Sog‘inganimni bilmading, bilmading,
Kerakligingda kelmading, kelmading...
Qiynadi, dard alam, hamrohim bitta alam,
Hamrohim, bo‘lmading... bo‘lmading... bo‘lmading!
As she sang on stage, her hand movements, facial expressions, and interactions with the audience once again demonstrated her love for music.
The wedding atmosphere and the warm attitude of the fans
The wedding guests greatly enjoyed Munisa Rizayeva's performance. Her generous smiles and graceful movements on stage shared warmth with the hearts of the fans.
This song, filled with feelings of love and longing, was a true surprise for Rizayeva's fans.
Munisa Rizayeva – a bright star of the stage

Munisa Rizayeva has gained a place in the hearts of fans not only in Uzbekistan but also abroad with her artistry. Her passionate singing on stage, sincerity, and emotions make her unique.
This performance at the wedding also became one of the unforgettable moments for Rizayeva's fans. The deep connection her songs have with the hearts of the fans proves that the love for her artistry is growing day by day.