5 Dangerous Products That Cause Migraine
Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder that typically manifests as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. The pain can last from several hours to several days and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. In some cases, patients may experience slight changes in vision or hearing before a migraine attack.
The WHO has included migraine in the list of 19 diseases that most disrupt a person's normal life. Unfortunately, the exact causes of migraine are not yet fully understood, but stress, weather conditions, hunger, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, and certain foods can trigger it. Below is a list of products that can provoke migraine attacks.
Any product containing caffeine is risky for individuals prone to migraines. The phenylethylamine found in chocolate constricts blood vessels. For those genetically predisposed to migraines, this can lead to headaches.
Citrus fruits and bananas
These fruits contain histamine and tyramine, which can cause headaches.
Sausages, hot dogs, ham
Such processed products contain high levels of sodium glutamate and nitrogen oxide, which can lead to the dilation of blood vessels in the brain's hard shell.
Fatty cheeses
Cheeses with high fat content contain tyramine, which constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure. The longer the cheese is aged, the more tyramine it contains.
Alcoholic beverages
Typically, the sudden onset of headache characteristic of migraines occurs only under the influence of certain types of alcoholic products; however, any alcoholic beverage based on fermentation can lead to migraines. Additionally, dehydration and stress can increase the frequency of migraine pain attacks.
Moreover, alcoholic beverages can cause problems related to the liver, which is responsible for glucose production. A decrease in blood sugar levels can also lead to such headaches.
Photo: The Day